Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stay Motivated Stay Healthy

Life is full of variety and it keeps springing before up one surprise after the other. Some of these surprises may not be to our liking and there may be a tendency to question the reason behind these. It may also be that one is restricted in their capabilities to deal with the demands of life. The result here may be the growing feeling of defeat and lowering of spirit. It is at times like this that one needs to feel motivated and energized to get things back on track and get the zest back in life.

Motivation is intrinsically linked with one's health. Low motivation means low energy level and low energy level means the body is susceptible to fall prey to external agents. Being a motivated person is what everybody desires but it is easier said than done. There are many factors which influence motivation levels of a person. These can be broadly obsessive compulsive disorderdivided into external and internal factors. Family members, friends, work environment, social cultures etc. are some of external factors which influence a person's mental well being while good memory, proper concentration, enthusiasm, cheerfulness etc. are some of the internal factors which motivate a person.In recent times there has been increasing reliance on prescription medicines for finding immediate cures to all sorts of problems. But most of these drugs are addictive and carry with them many side effects. In contrast to these habit forming medicines there are many natural methods a person can apply to increase his motivational level. Exercising is a great way to not only stay in shape but also to increase self confidence. With increased surgical weight loss self confidence one is able to deal with stress and daily worries in more effective manner. There is no need to follow a strict exercise regimen but just making some time for simple physical activities such as walking, gardening, biking etc. is good enough to begin with. Healthy eating is another important tool. According to a research, a balanced breakfast is a great way to start your day as it leads to improved mood throughout the day. A diet rich in fibers, proteins, vitamin D etc. is not essential only from physical perspective but it also plays a vital role in mental energizing. Moreover excess of caffeine and alcohol or other sedatives is a strict no-no for any person, let alone a person on the road to mental well being. Positive thinking is another great way of cultivating a healthy approach in life. As far as possible, surround yourself with positive people, read self-help or spiritual books, practice beat stresssome relaxation technique or mediate for a while. Remember your mind is like a tool. It will do what you train it to do. Make a clear picture in mind of the way you see yourself in future. Once that picture is ready in mind, then the way to achieve the same will automatically become clear to you. The simple truth of the matter is that a person is always facing a choice. The easy choice is to go for some prescription drugs which only provide short term relief but bring along long term misery. If a person decides to take control of life and become proactive then it may cause some short term misery but will definitely bring long term relief. In the end, it is for us to decide which road to take.