Hotels in Mussoorie are available aplenty. There is no scarcity of Hotels in Mussoorie and there are approximately around 65 Hotels and the travellers can book even after reaching Mussoorie. No matter from which background you are coming from, you can choose as per your choice as there are all types of Hotels available. You have such a wide range and variety of Hotels in Mussoorie existing on hand to choose from, to help the travellers select their choice all these Hotels in Mussoorie have been classified both in category wise and also Tariff wise.
Category wise they have a good number of Deluxe Hotels, Luxury Hotels, Heritage Hotels and Budget Hotels to cater to one's accommodation requirements. If in one hand the Luxury and Deluxe Hotels have been equipped with all modern-day facilities and design on the other hand you will be filled with old world charm in Heritage Hotels which give you an opportunity to live the similar life that the Maharajas of yester years once led.
We have given below a list of all Hotels in Mussoorie categorically and you can choose any hotel which you would like to stay at.