Friday, March 9, 2012

Oasis Hotels and Resorts in Cancun offer complimentary Smart car to guests

For guests treating themselves to hot and sunny Cancun holidays this winter season, the Oasis group is bringing them with a special winter warmer by offering them with a great new special gift to help them get about and about during their stay at Oasis' selection of Cancun hotels.
Oasis Hotels & Resorts are now offering guests the ultimate facility to reward tourists choosing to stay at their group of hotels in Cancun: complimentary use of a Smart Car!

The new offer has been launched in order to entice more travellers to take holidays in Cancun this winter season and the new range of Smart cars featuring the logo "Oasis Loves U" has been designed as the ultimate treat for guests.

Image by Joffrey Guidon, on Flickr